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Membership in the Taylor PlayMakers Booster Club is just $30 for the entire year.  Booster dues go into the club's general operating fund and work towards funding scholarships, main stage productions, and events throughout the year.   

Who are The Mustang Theatre Boosters?


The THS Mustang Theatre Booster Club is made up of enthusiastic parents, teachers, and members of the community. Each year we work to help the PlayMakers Theatre Company in the following ways:

  • Organize and hold fundraisers, the money of which is used to obtain those things which are needed to conduct business.  Our funds help with yearly productions, help replace necessary equipment not covered by KISD and company expenses as they arise.

  • Secure patrons and advertising from the community as a means of furthering the talents and needs of the company.

  • Provide yearly scholarships to graduating seniors.

  • Provide the necessary physical support needed to make the company successful.

Mustang Theatre Booster Club Mission Statement:


The purposes of the Mustang Theatre Booster Club are to assist with the endeavors of the Theatre and Technical Theatre Departments of James E. Taylor High School and to assist Thespian Troupe 311 through both physical and monetary support.

Who Benefits from Your Involvement?


You — The giving of your time, as well as your strengths and talents, is a gift that these teens rarely see in their world today. You’ll feel great about helping to make a difference! And, you’ll make great friends, as well.

The Students — Your mentorship is invaluable! These kids know that they could not accomplish all that they do without the support of adults. Some of these students don’t have the healthy adult connection needed to become all they can be. Your presence teaches them that they are valued. In addition, at least two college-bound graduating seniors are awarded scholarships annually.

The THS Theatre Department — Your generosity gives us the ability to produce professional quality performances, train professional theatre students and work to achieve “Nothing But Excellence.”  Costumes, sets, make-up, programs, props, posters, lighting, good sound systems and playwright fees all carry costs that add up. Your help makes the financial flexibility to purchase needed equipment and supplies a reality. And, you help strengthen the educational theatre process.

2024-2025 Booster Club Board
President - Holly Estes
VP1 - Jackie Rucksdashel
Treasurer - Kristen Allen
Secretary - Susie Yankowitz
VP3- Megan McClelland
Publicity - Stephanie Dunham

Katy ISD is not responsible for any information within this website

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